Efet General Agreement Gas

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EFET General Agreement Gas: An Overview

EFET General Agreement Gas, or GAG, is a standard contract that governs the physical delivery of natural gas. It was created by the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) to standardize trading practices and reduce the risks associated with gas trading. The agreement is widely used in Europe, and it has become one of the most significant documents in the gas industry.

The EFET GAG contains provisions for the sale and purchase of natural gas, including delivery, pricing, quantities, quality, and payment terms. It also covers force majeure events, insurance, liability, and dispute resolution. The agreement is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various situations, and it can be customized to meet specific needs.

EFET GAG and its Advantages

The EFET GAG has several advantages that make it an attractive option for gas traders. First, it is a well-established document that has been used for many years, which means it is widely accepted and understood across the industry. Second, it is a standardized contract, which reduces the legal and operational risks associated with gas trading. Third, it provides clear and concise terms for the sale and purchase of gas, which simplifies the negotiating process.

In addition, the EFET GAG is designed to be flexible enough to meet the needs of different parties. It can be customized to reflect the specific requirements of the buyer and seller, and it can be used for both short-term and long-term contracts. This flexibility makes it a versatile document that can be used for a variety of gas trading scenarios.

EFET GAG and its Impact on the Gas Industry

The EFET GAG has had a significant impact on the gas industry since its creation. It has helped to standardize gas trading practices, which has reduced the legal and operational risks associated with trading. It has also made the negotiating process simpler and more efficient by providing clear and concise terms for the sale and purchase of gas.

The EFET GAG has also created a more transparent gas market, which has increased competition and reduced prices. By providing a standard contract, it has made it easier for smaller players to enter the market, which has increased competition and encouraged innovation.


The EFET General Agreement Gas is a standard contract that governs the physical delivery of natural gas. It has become one of the most significant documents in the gas industry, and it is widely used across Europe. The EFET GAG has several advantages, including its flexibility, standardization, and simplicity. It has also had a significant impact on the gas industry by reducing risks, increasing transparency, and encouraging competition. Overall, the EFET GAG is an essential tool for gas traders who want to minimize risks and simplify the trading process.