Home School Agreement Example

As more and more parents choose to educate their children at home, having a home school agreement is becoming increasingly important. This agreement serves as a contract between the parents and the student, outlining the expectations and responsibilities of each party in the home education process.

Here is an example of a home school agreement:

1. The student agrees to attend all scheduled classes and complete all assignments and assessments on time.

2. The parent agrees to provide a suitable learning environment, including necessary supplies, textbooks, and technology.

3. The student agrees to demonstrate respectful behavior towards the parent and any other adults involved in the home education process.

4. The parent agrees to provide regular feedback on the student`s progress and offer support and guidance as needed.

5. The student agrees to participate in any required testing and evaluation processes as determined by the state or local education system.

6. The parent agrees to comply with all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to home education.

7. The student agrees to complete all necessary coursework to meet the requirements for graduation from high school, if applicable.

8. The parent and student agree to communicate regularly and openly about any concerns or issues that arise.

9. The student agrees to take responsibility for his or her own learning and to actively engage in the educational process.

10. The parent agrees to keep accurate records of the student`s attendance, coursework, and progress throughout the school year.

Having a home school agreement can help to ensure a successful and productive home education experience for both the parent and the student. It clarifies expectations and responsibilities, reduces misunderstandings and conflicts, and helps to ensure that the student receives a quality education. So if you are considering homeschooling, it is important to take the time to create a home school agreement that works for your family`s unique needs and circumstances.