Relationship Break up Agreement

Breaking up with someone can be one of the most difficult things you can ever experience in life. It can be emotionally draining and very stressful. However, having a “relationship break up agreement” can ease the process by establishing clear boundaries and expectations for both parties.

What is a Relationship Break Up Agreement?

A Relationship Break Up Agreement (RBUA) is a document that is developed between two individuals who have decided to end their romantic relationship. It outlines the rules and expectations of the separation and acts as a guide for both parties to follow as they make the transition from being in a relationship to being single.

Why is a Relationship Break Up Agreement Important?

One key reason why a Relationship Break Up Agreement is important is that it provides a clear framework for both parties to follow and helps them stick to their decision. This can be especially helpful for couples who find it difficult to end a relationship, and it is helpful to have a clear-cut plan to follow.

Another reason why a RBUA is important is that it can help prevent any misunderstandings or hurt feelings as both parties navigate the difficult process of breaking up. By providing specific details about how things are going to be handled, such as who gets what possessions or how finances will be divided, there is less room for argument or resentment.

What Should Be Included in a Relationship Break Up Agreement?

There is no set format for a Relationship Break Up Agreement, but it should include some basic components to help guide the process and avoid confusion. These include:

1. Division of Assets: This should specify how shared property, such as furniture or personal belongings, will be divided.

2. Financial Obligations: Any shared financial responsibilities, such as rent or utility payments, should be addressed in the agreement.

3. Contact: The agreement should specify how, when, and where both parties can contact each other, if at all.

4. Mutual Friends: Any mutual friends should be discussed, and the agreement should specify how they will be handled.

5. Legal Matters: If there are any legal matters that need to be addressed, such as shared custody of children, it should be addressed in the agreement.

In Conclusion

Overall, Relationship Break Up Agreements can be a very helpful tool for both parties to cope with the emotional and logistical aspects of a break-up. By establishing the rules and expectations of the separation, both parties can move forward with a clear understanding of what they are supposed to do, and what they can expect from each other. So, if you are planning to end a relationship soon, consider creating a Relationship Break Up Agreement to make the process more manageable.